Stadiums B


Bingo Athletic Stadium

BMW Stadium Hiratsuka

Shonan Bellmare’s stadium is a brisk 30 minute walk from Hiratsuka station or a short bus ride on the stadium bus that leaves from just outside the station.

There are many stores and restaurants a few convenience stores in the built up city centre near Hiratsuka station but not much in the way of shops as you get close to the stadium.

Depending on the match there can be quite a large selection of food trucks outside including excellent locally brewed Shonan Beer. The chicken karaage also comes recommended. The selection of food available probably depends on the expected attendance so use that to judge whether you need to pick up something on the way. The beer seller also keeps a league table of how many liters of beer were drunk by each team's fans.

The stadium is set in a large park where in the summer children can play in the water close to the stadium. There is also a large open space to play ball. In and around the stadium there are few places to shelter from the elements some come prepared if inclement weather is forecast.

The area behind the goal is pretty far from the pitch due to the running track and not raised very high so don’t expect a very good view of the match from there.

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